The Complete System
On this page, you'll get an overview of what a complete FZA (Flight Zone Avoidance) Solution System looks like. Learn more about Moly’s industry-leading products and get inspired to create your very own custom system using a unique combination of Moly Manufacturing products! Every Solution System is built-to-order, creating the ideal setup for your specific operation. Let our team build you one of our industry-leading systems that combine Flight Zone Avoidance with continuous forward flow of the animals for stress-free handling!
FZA (Flight Zone Avoidance) System:
A low-stress livestock handling system that keeps people clear of the animals’ flight zone resulting in safer handling, excellent cattle flow, and reduced labor needs.
Parallel System:
Designates a TurretGateTM location in relation to the alley. Typically used in FZA Systems that only have single alleys.
Perpendicular System:
Designates a TurretGateTM location in relation to the alley. Typically used in FZA Systems that include a dual alley.
Left Swing vs. Right Swing
Specifies the direction the TurretGateTM is swinging as it moves cattle into the alley.
Open vs. Closed
Specifies whether the circular fence sections and alleys of an FZA System are partially sheeted or fully sheeted.
Before you browse...
Every Solutions System from Moly Manufacturing is built-to-order, creating the ideal setup for your specific operation. Below are a few explanations of the terminology you will need to understand to develop the perfect system with the help of our experienced team