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Less Effort. Added Safety.

TurretGate is an advanced gate design that shuttles back through the Turret, re-positioning behind waiting animals. It eliminates the need to swing the gate back open into the waiting animals and virtually eliminates the need for humans to be in with the cattle. The gate is controlled remotely and significantly reduces the stress on animals, compared to the old-style manual crowd gates that pressure the animals into smaller areas, increasing the animal’s stress. This innovative technology allows for zero physical interaction between humans and animals, ensuring the safety of the operator at all times. TurretGate helps keep your animals calm and your people safe. Moly's hydraulic sort gates can easily be added and customized to an existing facility. 


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At Moly Manufacturing, safety

is our number one priority. We work hard to ensure that all of our products meet the highest safety standards.

Closing an old-style manual crowd gate requires the operator to be close to the animals, making quick movements with physical exertion. As the animals are pressured into a smaller pen size, their stress increases, which can result in both animal and operator injury. The age-old practice of opening a closed gate back into the face of waiting livestock sends a mixed message, which creates further stress. The TurretGate virtually eliminates contact with animals in high-impact areas with the use of its 320° operational swing and shuttle feature. The remote control enables the user to operate the Gate from a distance and virtually eliminates humans from the animal’s flight zone.



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